A delightful undersea world unfolds in Pixar’s animated adventure Finding Nemo.Sunday Finding Nemo Five 4.55pm Pixar Animation's 2003 underwater adventure comedy follows over-protective clown fish Marlin (voiced by comedian Albert Brooks) as he tries to locate his missing child Nemo (Alexander Gould). The Damned United BBC2 9pmAdaptation of David Pearce's controversial novel chronicling Brian Clough's ill- fated, 44-day managerial tenure at Leeds United. Michael Sheen (right) stars as Clough.
Pixar continues its run of impeccable artistic and economic success (their movies include Toy Story, A Bug’s Life, Toy Story 2, and Monsters, Inc). Also featuring the voices of Willem Dafoe, Geoffrey Rush, and Allison Janney. –Bret Fetzer
Directors:Andrew Stanton
Andrew Stanton (story)
Andrew Stanton (screenplay) .
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Release Date:
30 May 2003 (USA)
Animation | Adventure | Comedy | Family
71% of the Earth's surface is covered by water. That's a lot of space to find one fish.
A father-son underwater adventure featuring Nemo, a boy clownfish, stolen from his coral reef home. His timid father must then travel to Sydney and search Sydney Harbour to find Nemo.
Albert Brooks, Allison Janney, Animated Adventure, Blue Tang Fish, Disc Collector, Ellen Degeneres, Finding Nemo, Geoffrey Rush, Monsters Inc, nemo, Nervous Nellie, Neuroses, Pelicans, Poisonous Jellyfish, Scuba Diver, Sea Anglers, Sea Turtles, the sorcerer s apprentice trailer, Theme Park Attraction, Thrill Ride, Toy Story 2, toy story 3 kinostart, Undersea World,